Brands to Invest More in Content Creation and Workflows in 2023

Brands to Invest More in Content Creation and Workflows in 2023

The Adobe Digital Trend Report 2023 surveyed 9,000 leaders, experts, and agency staff worldwide on technology investments and strategies for industry leaders to stand out now and in the future. It revealed that leading brands will increasingly invest in the speed, scale, and efficiency of their content creation and workflows in 2023. At the same time, existing processes and technologies are to be optimized.

It’s no surprise that leading brands will invest more in content creation and workflow optimization in 2023. With the increasing demand for content from customers, companies must produce more content to keep up. However, creating high-quality content requires time and resources, which can be challenging for many companies.

More Efficient Processes

To tackle this challenge, companies aim to make their content creation processes more efficient, focusing on increasing efficiency and reducing costs. One way to achieve this is by improving workflow management and digital collaboration in their content teams. Notably, 43 percent of respondents identified content workflow as a central challenge.

Efforts will focus on workflow management and digital collaboration within content teams. This might include using tools and software to streamline and automate cooperation processes, such as project management software, collaboration platforms, and content management systems. This aims to enable content teams to work better and faster.

Innovative Technologies

In addition to optimizing workflows, leading brands are also investing in better technologies for content creation. This includes tools for creating and editing multimedia content, such as video editing software and graphic design tools. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can also be employed to automate certain aspects of content creation, such as generating headlines or creating social media posts.

New Strategies

Fundamentally, brands tend to focus on short-term revenue goals and figures concerning their content strategy. According to 76% of respondents, this is detrimental to long-term planning and strategy. However, some survey participants are already looking further into the future and are exploring new digital platforms and forms of engagement. For example, 22% said their company is considering potential marketing strategies in the metaverse.

In summary, leading brands are better positioned to meet the growing demand for high-quality, dynamic digital experiences across multiple channels by investing in content creation and workflow optimization. This also enhances the efficiency and productivity of their content teams. Without these improvements, brands will find it increasingly difficult to remain visible to their target audience and meet consumer expectations in the near future.

By the way, you can find the entire report for download here - enjoy reading 😉

Sarah Amler

Sarah Amler

Digital Process & Marketing Manager

Sarah was responsible for performance marketing, social media activities and digital onboarding in our software at aclipp.